Thursday, April 12, 2012


Do you ever think about people you have known during your life, maybe even known well, but now they are no longer in your life?  Do you wonder where they are or what they are doing?  Do you think about why they are not around anymore and what happened?  Do you ever wonder if they think of you? And if they think of you at all, do they do it with fondness, with good memories or with disgust and glee that you are gone, no longer bothering them?  

I wonder about many folks I have known throughout my 70 years on this planet. I may have known some in school or at a job. Some may have been neighbors, friends, even good ones, traveling companions or co-workers.  But now they are absent from my life and I wonder why?  Did they get angry and leave on purpose?  Did they move away? Did they just drift away and move on to other people and things?  Did they want to move on or did it just happen?   

With all the ways to find people these days, one would think that rekindling a friendship would be easy.  But it is not necessarily so. My generation is not as comfortable with the electronic miracles we have, so often are not in online data bases. And if they are, do we get back in touch? Or do we not?  Is our fear of rejection so great that we dare not reach out again after, often years, of not being in touch?  Do you wonder if that person ever looks for you and thinks the same thing?

Lots of question marks in these sentences and not one question answered…….


  1. this is a beautiful post, very moving and lovely - sharing your humanity, hermit in the woods, peace

  2. Thank you for your comment, Ruth. Yes, hermit in the woods is exactly what I am. And 99% of the time, I am thrilled with that. The other 1%, not so much.
