Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog Traffic Secrets

If you are a blogger, you already know what I am gonna talk about, so you can go back to knoshing on potato chips and drinking beer now.  Enjoy.

If you are not a blogger, you don't realize that we have a page on our blog that you, the reader, can't see.  Once we click there, we can see how many folks have read yesterday's post or last week's post, for that matter. We can see what topics are the most popular. We can also see where you came from and how you got here. 

Most bloggers want lots of traffic because, well, just because that's how we are.  We want you to read what we write.  And lots of bloggers have ads on their blogs or write product reviews for money.  There are bloggers who have built their blogs into $150,000.00 a year businesses.  I am not one of them.  

So when we are writing our posts, we try to include words that we know people look for. Sex is a great word to entice people to come over for a read.  Drugs, especially cocaine is another one.  I get lots of traffic these days from sex toy companies.  Why? Damned if I know, but I do.  Uncut cocaine is probably the best set of words to use.  Again, why?  Is the population of the world so interested in uncut cocaine that they enter those words in Google so often, they end up at this tiny blog written by a little old gray haired lady. What gives with the uncut cocaine, people?  Does it go well with sex toys?  I guess you would have to ask an in-the-news celebrity with more money than sense about that.  Or the US Secret Service.  Wait, they are in trouble for hiring prostitutes, not using drugs or sex toys.

Wonder what kind of traffic this post will garner?  I do know that whoever comes here because of an Google search for sex toys or cocaine is going to be extremely disappointed. I will keep you posted.  

You can buy my Pond how-to book here

It is consistently in the top ten best sellers in Landscaping. 
It's on sale now for a buck.  Get it before the price goes back up.

And for pond info visit us at  You will find knowledgeable folks there who are glad to answer your questions.

Thank you for stopping by this morning.

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