Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blog Traffic

One of the things we bloggers are looking for is traffic.  We start out small and keep typing (Do they still call it that?) until people start reading.  We get tired and stop. We start again and keep hoping.  Did you know that we can track how many people look at what post and when they did that? Well, we can.  My top read post of all time is How to fix a pond leak written way back in 2008.
One of the ways we get people to read, aside from writing great posts, that is, is to put labels on each post so that the post can be found when potential readers do a Google search.  Sometimes labels work, mostly they don't.  I think that I need to change some of my labels to things like 'How to Grow Marijuana for Fun and Profit.'  Or 'Free Cocaine Available here.'
Of course, I don't sell anything here, so readers are not asked to buy when they arrive. Not that much money is made from Blog ads. If you blog long enough, you just might make $8.25 in a year. So if you are blogging for money, I might suggest looking for another job.  Like maybe growing marijuana for fun and profit.

Or you could buy my book and start building ponds for even more fun and profit:

A Practical Guide to Building and Maintaining a Pond

It's on sale for 99 cents right now and will be for a few more days. Better get it now. And then please write a review.

Thanks for the visit today.

1 comment:

  1. You are very funny Jan, no really you are very funny! And generous too, it seems, too bad I don't have a kindle. peace
