Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Advertising Works

If you want folks to buy your product or use your services, you have to tell them where you are and what you do.  That's called advertising and no matter how you do it, you have to do it.   Most of you know that I started and ran businesses all my working life, the last one being building and maintaining ponds.  I had friends who also started businesses during their working lives and those businesses failed. Why? They said they did not have enough money to advertise.  So nobody knew who they were and the business closed its doors.  I also had no money to advertise, but there are so many alternatives.  Back before Twitter, Facebook, Mashable, Tumblr, Pinterest and the multitudes of interactive social media existed, we had to tell people about us in old fashioned ways.  But we advertised.  Some advertised on TV, but wow, was that expensive.  Newspapers were not all that much better.  So how did I tell folks who I was and what I did, especially since building ponds was unheard of unless it was a pond that livestock drank out of. I had to visit nurseries and make them know me, speak to countless garden clubs, hand out business cards, print brochures and beg business places to make a space on their counters for me.  And one can never stop advertising.  You don't see MacDonalds stopping, or Walmart.  If you stop, your customers stop calling, dropping by and buying.

Now we have all of the social media. I don't know if they work for small businesses or not, but I do know that the more people know your name, the more people know your name.

I wrote a book and it was published in early February.  So how are people finding out about it.  I am now intimately acquainted with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and other sites.  So is my publisher who tweets daily.  And does lots of it.  My book is in the top 10 of ebooks at Amazon in Landscaping. Is that because it's the best pond book ever written?  I may think so, but that doesn't make it so.  It sells because it's advertised.

You now are aware of the importance of advertising and lots of ways to do it.

And this is one way. You just read an ad for my book. Aren't you just thrilled to pieces?

Buy it. It's on sale right now, but not for long.

A Practical Guide to Building and Maintaining your Pond.


Enjoy. And tell your friends.

And find me on twitter

Thanks for visiting today.  I always appreciate it.

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