Friday, September 17, 2010

Peace lily problems

How do you revive a peace lilly?
I was given a peace lilly from my church after my dad passed away. I went on vacation for a couple of days and nobody was home to keep my peace lilly watered. I have never had a green thumb and I am not sure exactly what I need to do to revive it. i would hate to just neglect it because it was given to me as a blessing for my dad! Is there any way to revive it? Is there a point where it can no longer be saved?


Try putting it in the shower and soaking it real good. If you can't do that, put it in water and let it sit for a half hour or so. Take it out, let it drain, then keep it in the house. Do not fertilize it.
If it can be saved, that's the only way to do it. It should perk up in a day or so.

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