Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Green water is often a problem in full sun and well fertilized plants. Do not use chemicals to control the algae--it will kill your lilies. Instead, encourage a healthy growth of submerged plants like anacharis one bunch per square foot of surface area, which will help starve out the algae. Some floating hyacinths or water lettuce will also help, but watch they do not get out of control.


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    What do you think of barley straw filters? I bought some a couple a weeks ago and after one week my the water in my new pond turned from murky to clear. (The pond is concrete and as the building it's part of is still under construction, I don't have any plants or fish yet.) But between the barley straw and the mosquito dunks it looks like a nice reflecting pool instead of a tepid sewer.

  2. I think barley straw is great. I recommend it for algae and most often for string algae.
