Friday, March 02, 2007

Pond Plants, Cannas

Ah, the magnificent canna, often called canna lily, is not a true lily at all, but a relative of gingers, bananas and heliconias. They have huge broad leaves that can be green or variegated with red, yellow or orange. The flowers are equally gaudy, bright yellow, red, orange and I love them all in the pond.

They need at least 6 hours of sun daily and more than anything else, love to have their feet wet. Contain them in a pot in the pond. Keep the top of the pond about an inch below the water and do nothing else.

I usually cut them back hard when they get ratty looking. I also remove all the overgrowth where the plant leaps from its pot. You may put them in the ground, but you had better like them, because you will have them forever.

They do get a leaf roller, but seem to avoid it more when they are in the water. Use them with abandon: They will reward you with huge splashes of color, either foliage or blooms.


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Hey Jan,
    I'v been a lurker for a couple of years now. I'm still a wannabe ponder...maybe this year. Anyway, i certainly have gotten great ideas and tips from you and the others.

    Are these the same cannas we grow in the ground here in KY? In this hariness zone, we have to didg them to overwinter. However, they might have survived this mild winter. My trouble is, should I get my pond dug, it will have to be twice the size I planned, in order to hold all the beautiful plants I've heard about from your group.
    Shirley Dennis in western KY.

  2. Hi Shirley, I'm sure they are the same canna's. We grow them in the ground here in New Orleans and they are happy happy plants.
    The canna is hardy to zone 6b with protection. I don't know what yours is, but maybe all you have to do is mulch them up good to overwinter them successfully.

  3. nice little article. i'm a big fan of cannas. my rabbits like to snack on the leaves at the end of the season!
