Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cooling down

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For the past three days, I have awakened to cooler weather. Don't tell me fall has finally arrived in New Orleans. Now we are forced to do the fall pond tasks we have been putting off. Clean that pump filter; it needs it. Cut back those plants before the water is so cold you can't stand to put your hands in it. Use a net to get the debris out of the bottom. Leaves are turning color now and will fall into the pond in a few days. Put netting or some other cover over the pond to catch them. It's easier than getting them out of the water later.

Here are some great tools to help you get those jobs done


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Thanks for the advise. Do you have a checklist of things to do to close off the pond for the season? I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. For the plants that can't remain in the pond, how do I take care of them? Alot of books say bring them in but how do you store them? Do I take them out of their water basket or plant them in a container? Or chop off the foliage and store the root/bulb somewhere? I guess it would help if I gave you specific plant names. I'll have to go look them up if you need that. I think we are suppose to do something with the pump too, but can't remember. Thanks, TWT
