Monday, August 07, 2006

The dog days of August

In New Orleans, August is longer than any other month. The temperatures easily reach the mid to high nineties. Lows are night are often in the eighties. The people suffer, the animals suffer, the garden suffers and the pond is unhappy as well.

The fish lie in the cooler water of the deepest water. Even the water lilies droop. If a water lily is going to get attacked by bugs, now is the time. Usually bugs can be sprayed off with a strong burst of water from the garden hose. Sometimes they need to be sprayed with a mixture of water, oil and dish soap. Always pinch off the damaged pad. Don't worry they will quickly grow back. And remember they still want to be fed twice monthly until their winter dormancy period. Here in the South, that starts in October. If you are farther north, (and most everyone is), when the nighttime temperatures start to reach 55F, the lilies quickly go dormant. Stop feeding them then and prepare for winter.

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