Monday, July 17, 2006

I wonder why

From the time I decided to put a pond in my back yard, I have wondered what it is about water that makes us want ponds in our lives. Ponds can't really be just a plaything of the rich or something to impress the neighbors, but much of the time it is.....I learned that while running a pondbuilding business for 17 years. But that doesn't explain the regular folks, like us, who somehow, some way get ponds in our yards. We dig holes, we pile up pavers, we put out big pots; by hook, crook or sweat, we make ponds. We are mostly gardeners as well. We plant things. We plant things in our ponds, around our ponds, in pots, thrown in the water. We put fish in our ponds; we watch the fish, we feed them, we name them, we worry about them when marauding raccons or egrets pay the pond a visit. Why?
I believe that we all feel so disconnected from our earth that we try as hard as we can to recreate what is important to us as near to us as we can. And what better place than out the back or front door. At some point during our stressed out days, we can find peace next to our ponds. We can reconnect with our small piece of nature that reawakens the kid inside us that played in the water, in the mud. Our biggest care was getting home before the streetlights came on.

Jan, the pondlady

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