Sunday, July 30, 2006

11 months out: Dateline New Orleans

Yesterday was the 11 month anniversary of Katrina. The time has both crawled and flown. It is hard to believe that we evacuated, returned, found our house totally destroyed, fought with FEMA, fought with the insurance company, fought with tree removal people, septic tank people, the phone company, the internet provider, salvaged what we could from the old house, demolished the house, bought a new house, moved in, sold my business and retired. All in 11 months. Whew!! My pond is coming over here from the lot, rock by rock. We sold the lot and have only until the closing on August 11th to get the rest of the 3 tons. Pricy things, those rocks. I hope I don't have to leave too many behind. Do you believe that yesterday when we were there putting rocks in my van, we noticed anacharis galore and GOLDFISH in the pond. It has not been tended since the evacuation. Just shows you that goldfish are pretty hardy critters. We are enjoying the new house, I guess, but we both know it is simply a stopping point until we decide where our permanent retirement location will be. Our little bedroom suburb of New Orleans has grown by 60,000 people (was about 30,000 pre K) and is no longer a pleasant place to live. Jill, I know you never did like Slidell, but it beat living in crime filled NO. And if we had stayed, we would have been living about 4 blocks from the 17th Street canal levee, one of the levees that failed. So we would have lost our house either way.
So, my focus is now on this web site and online sales and information. I will continue to keep in touch.


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